Update: Character Editor - Adding Techniques
Posted: October 22, 2022 4:02 pmWe have received a number of questions and requests lately to unlock the ability for players to add Advanced Fighting Techniques to their own characters, before they are linked to a campaign. As part of the character creation process; a Player can select an Advanced Fighting Technique (or more depending on their playbook) before the game officially starts. We also understand that the life of a GM both in and out of game can be quite hectic and the GM may not always have the time to add techniques to every players character sheet.
With this in mind we have unlocked the ability to allow Players to add Advanced Fighting Techniques to their own characters. Because of the way techniques are added under the hood ... You must create your character with at least the very basic info first ... Then when you edit your character, you will be able to add the Advanced Fighting Techniques.
Now we also know there are some GMs out there who like having the control over their characters, and may not want their player adding new techniques without first discussing the details and how it fits the story fiction. We took that into consideration as well.
In the Campaign Worksheet, in the "Campaign Options" section, there is a checkbox "Players can Add Techniques" where you can Allow or Restrict this ability to the players in your campaign.