New Feature: Custom Moves

Posted: November 04, 2022 9:58 pm

As per the Core Book, page 143; The GM has the ability to create custom moves for a character that may advance the character's in-game skills or abilities.

To facilitate this ability to add custom moves, a new "Manage Custom Moves" option is now available in the GM Dashboard Menu. Any custom moves you create are specific to your account to view and/or edit, other players will not be able to find these custom moves. Due to this, any custom move you create for your characters you must add to the character from the "Manage Custom Moves" page. The add to character process is similar to adding Advanced Fighting Techniques, and can only be added to characters that are part of your campaign.

If at any point the Player/GM decide to remove a custom move, the Player can uncheck the move from the Character Editor in the GM Custom Moves section (this section will only be visible if a custom move was added to the character).

For more information about when, or how to create Custom Moves for your game, please refer to the Core Book page 143.