Updates: Playbooks, Bold & Icon
Posted: April 05, 2023 11:23 amThe Playbooks for The Bold and The Icon have some rather interesting Special Actions. For The Bold there are Drives that can be selected and as these drives are completed, or fulfilled, they are to be crossed out. The same with The Icon, there are Responsibilities and Prohibitions that can be selected and if broken the first time are underlined, if broken a second time are crossed off and meaningless going forward. Previously there was not really a way to track the underlining or crossing off of these selection ... until now.
In the Character Editor of these playbook characters; you will now see these special actions have tabs that will allow you to mark the selections as appropriate. The Bold has two tabs, the main to select your Drives the second to mark them as fulfilled. While The Icon has three, the main to select, the second to underline a first-time broken, and the third to mark a second-time broken selection as meaningless.
Thank you again to all our amazing members who have been alerting us of opportunities where we can improve this site for everyone!