Update: Republic City Setting Toolkit
Posted: August 11, 2023 6:59 amHello everyone,
The content for the Republic City Setting Toolkit, is going well. At this point new Game Master dashboards for Pro-Bending, Races & Chases, and Mecha are available for rules and special ability quick lookups. Players can create Vehicle and Mecha "companions" for their characters, And GMs can create NPC vehicle and Mecha from the World Builder that can be import to and manage from, the Campaign NPC Stats Dash. The new character playbooks and advanced fighting techniques have been installed, as well as the preset Legendary NPCs. The only thing remaining to complete this expansion installation is the number of minor and major NPCs in the narrative hooks scattered throughout the Republic City book they will be added to the preset NPC list in the near future.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this process.